Machine Learning (Lee Hongyi)

ML framework:

1. Function with unknown $y=f_\theta(x)$

Model bias:

Approximate continuous curve by a piecewise linear cure. In order to have good approximation, we need sufficient pieces (basic components of the piecewise linear curve).

sigmoid: $y(x;c,b,w)=c\frac{1}{1+e^{-(b+wx)}}$

How to reduce the model bias:

  1. more flexible model
  2. more feature
  • In ML, the pieces (activation function) can be sigmoid function, hard sigmoid, ReLU, etc.
  • number of hidden layer

2. Define Loss $L(\theta)$

Loss: function of parameters to evaluate how good of the set of parameters $L=\frac{1}{N} \sum_n e_n$.

MAE, MSE, cross-entropy

cross-entropy: $e=-\sum_i \hat y_i \ln y_i’$ 其中, [$\hat y$ is label]

minimize cross-entropy is equivalent to maximizing likelihood.

3. Optimization: $\theta^* = \operatorname{argmin}_\theta L$

Gradient descent:


small batch v.s. large batch:

  • large batch (not too large) will not cost much time thanks to the GPU parallel computation. So, it will be efficient for one epoch

  • then small batch will cost much time for one epoch. It will result in noisy direction, which will be better in some cases.

  • large batch and small batch work well in training, but small batch works worse in testing – overfitting.

  • large batch and small batch work well in training, but large batch works worse in testing – NOT overfitting, 是因为optimization

Momentum [Consider direction]

Movement of last step - gradient at present

$m_i$ is the weighted sum of all the previous gradient $g^0, g^1, \cdots, g^{i-1}$.

Adaptive learning rate [Consider magnitude]

gradient 变化率小,选用大的learning rate;gradient 变化率大,选用小的learning rate。

  • Adagrad

  • RMSProp

Adam: RMSProp + Momentum

Learning rate scheduling

  • learning rate decay: As the time goes, we are closer to the destination, so we reduce the learning rate
  • warm up: increase first and then decrease (at the beginning, the estimate of $\sigma_i^t$ has large variance) [RAdam]



Methods to improve:

reason of large loss on training data:

  1. Model bias: model is too simple. –> redesign more flexible model (more feature; more neutrons layers)
  2. Optimization: local minima

How to know which reason leads to the large loss on training data:

If deeper network has larger loss on training data, there might be optimization issue.


Smaller loss on training data, and larger loss on testing data.


  1. more training data;
  2. Data augmentation (reasonable);
  3. constrained model
    • less parameters, sharing parameters [e.g. CNN which is constrained one compared with fully-connected NN]
    • Less features
    • early stopping
    • regularization
    • Dropout

But if give more constraints on model, –> Bias-complexity trade-off [cross validation, N-fold cross validation]

critical point: gradient = 0

  • 把data的loss写出来,求loss对每个参数的偏导,令其=0, 检测其Hessian

How to avoid critical point ?

  • Avoid saddle point

    Based on eigenvector and eigenvalue of Hessian, we can update the parameter along the direction of the eigenvector –> reduce loss.

  • If enough more parameter, the error surface will be more complex. But the local minima will be degrade to saddle point. [local minima in low dimension –> saddle point in higher dimension].