Chance-Constrained Optimal Path Planning with Obstacles

Chance-Constrained Optimal Path Planning with Obstacles

Prior works: Set-Bound Uncertainty

Key idea: use bounds on the probability of collision to approximate the nonconvex chance-constrained optimization problem as a disjunctive convex problem. Then, solve by Branch-and-Bound techniques.

Target: linearm discrete-time system.

UAV. Uncertainty:

  1. location is not exactly known, but is estimated using a system model, interior sensors, and/or global position system. distribution may be generated with estimation technique, like KF.

    $\rightarrow$ initial position is Gaussian distribution.

  2. system model are approximations of true system model and these dynamixss are not fully known.

    $\rightarrow$ model uncertainty to be Gaussian white noise

  3. disturbances makes the turue trajecotyr. deviate from the palnned trajectory.

    $\rightarrow$ modeled as Gaussian noise on dynamics.

Prior Method: Set-bounded uncertainty models. to make sure the disturbance do not exceed the bounds.

Chance Constraints:

  • Advantages over set-bounded approach:
    • disturbances are represented using a stochastic model, rather than set-bounded one.
    • When use KF as localization, state estimate is a probabilsitic function with mean and covariancel

Existing CCP of linear system s.t. Gaussian uncertainty in convex region.

This paper extend to nonconvex region.

  • Key: bound the probability of collision, give conservative approximation, formulate as disjunctive convex program, solve by Branch-and-Bound techniques.

Convex region:

Nonconvex region:

  • Early, convert problem into set-bound by ensuring 3-$\sigma$ confidence region. Then, can solve. But fail to ding a feasible solution.
  • Particle-based approach. Approximate the chance constraint, but not guarantee satisfaction of constraint. Can use arbitrary uncertainty distribution, rather than only Gaussian. But Computational intensive.
  • Anylytic bound to ensure the satifaction of constraints. little conservatism.

System model:

\mathbf{x}{t+1}=A \mathbf{x}{t}+B \mathbf{u}{t}+\omega{t}

$\omega_t$ is Gaussian white noise with $\omega_t \sim \mathcal{N}(0,Q)$

  • polygonal convex stay-in regions $\mathcal{I}$: states much remain
    \mathcal{I} \Longleftrightarrow \bigwedge_{t \in T(\mathcal{I})} \bigwedge_{i \in G(\mathcal{I})} \mathbf{a}{i}^{\prime} \mathbf{x}{t} \leq b_{i}

  • Polygonal convex obstacles: outside of which state must remain.
    \mathcal{O} \Longleftrightarrow \bigwedge_{t \in T(\mathcal{O})} \bigvee_{i \in G(\mathcal{O})} \mathbf{a}{i}^{\prime} \mathbf{x}{t} \geq b_{i}

    Note that nonconvex obstacles can be created by composing several convex obstacles.

Problem formulation:

Problem 1: Chance-constrained path-planning problem:
&{\min\limits_{\mathbf{u}{0}, \ldots, \mathbf{u}{k-1}} g\left(\mathbf{u}{0}, \ldots, \mathbf{u}{k-1}, \overline{\mathbf{x}}{0}, \ldots, \overline{\mathbf{x}}{k}\right)} \ {\text{subject to: }} \
&{\overline{\mathbf{x}}{k}=\mathbf{x}{\mathrm{goal}}} \
&{\mathbf{x}{t+1}=A \mathbf{x}{t}+B \mathbf{u}{t}+\omega{t}} \
&{\mathbf{x}{0} \sim \mathcal{N}\left(\hat{\mathbf{x}}{0}, P_{0}\right) \omega_{t} \sim \mathcal{N}(0, Q)} \
&{P \left( \left(\bigwedge_{i=1}^{N_{\mathcal{I}}} \mathcal{I}{i}\right) \wedge \left(\bigwedge{j=1}^{N_{O}} \mathcal{O}{j}\right) \right) \geq 1-\Delta}
where $g(\cdot)$ is a piecewise linear cost function, $N
{\mathcal{I}}$ and $N_{\mathcal{O}}$ are number of stay-in regions and obstacles. $\overline{\mathbb{x}}$ means the expectation of $\mathbb{x}$.

Difficulty of solving:

  1. evaluating the chance constraint requires the computation of the integral of a multivariable Gaussian distribution over a finite, nonconvex region. This cannot be carried out in the closed form, and approximate techniques such as sampling are time consuming and introduce approximation error.
  2. even if this integral could be computed efficiently, its value is nonconvex in the decision variables due to the disjunctions in $\mathcal{O}_i$ . $\longrightarrow$ the resulting optimization problem is intractable. A typical approach to dealing with nonconvex feasible spaces is the branch-and-bound method, which decomposes a nonconvex problem into a tree of convex problems. However, the branch-and-bound method cannot be directly applied, since the nonconvex chance constraint cannot be decomposed trivially into subproblems.


Disjunctive convex programs:

&{\min {X} h(X)} \
{\text { subject to : }} \
{\text {eq }}(X)=0} \
&{\bigwedge_{i=1}^{n_{\text {dis }}} \bigvee_{j=1}^{n_{c l}} c_{i j}(X) \leq 0}

where $c_{ij}(X)$ are convex function of $X$. $n_{\text{dis}}$ and $n_{\text{cl}}$ are the number of disjunctions and clauses within each disjunction.

Disjunctive linear program:

Same as above, but the $f_{\text{eq}}(X)$ and $c_{ij}(X)$ are linear function of $X$.

Difficulty of disjunctive convex program:

disjunction render the feasible region nonconvex. Nonconvex programs are intractable.


  • Decompose the problem into a finite number of convex subproblems. The number of convex subproblems is exponential in the number of disjunctions $n_{\text{dis}}$. Brach-and-bound can find the global optimal solution while solving only small subset.


initial state: Gaussian $\mathcal{N}(\hat{\mathbb{x}}0, P_0)$ + dynamics : linear + noise: Gaussian $\longrightarrow$ future state is Gaussian
{0,\cdots,k-1}) &\sim \mathcal{N}(\mu_t,\Sigma_t)\
\mu_t & =\sum\limits_{i=0}^{t-1}A^{t-i-1}B\mathbb{u}_i + A^t \hat{\mathbb{x}}0 \quad {\text{linear equation}}\
\sum_t &= \sum\limits
{t=0}^{t-1} A^iQ(A^T)^i + A^tP_0(A^T)^t \quad {\text{not about control inputs}}

Linear Chance Constraints as Deterministic Linear Constraints

Gaussian distribution:

  • pdf: $f(x|\mu,\sigma^2)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi \sigma^2}}e^{-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\sigma^2}}$

  • cdf: $\Phi(x) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int\limits_{-\inf}^x e^{- \frac{t^2}{2}} dt$

  • erf: $\operatorname{erf}(x) = \frac{2}{\sqrt{\pi}} \int\limits_0^x e^{-t^2} dt$ (gives the probability of a random variable with normal distribution of mean 0 and variance 1/2 falling in the range $[-x,x]$)

  • Gaussian form translation: $f(x|\mu,\sigma^2)=\frac{1}{\sigma} \varphi(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})$